Anyway, the point of this post is to recount my teary and pitiful visit to FedEx Office** this week in hopes of reminding you of some simple steps to take in YOUR business so YOU aren't brought to tears by any antiquated systems. Traveling away from your office can result in some business headaches, all of which can be strategically avoided!
Yes, I broke down and cried in the middle of the store when their fax machine was taking 41 seconds to scan and send each page and I had 27 pages to send! I don't do quick math, but I knew it was going to take FOREVER! I didn't have forever. Nor did I want to calculate the cost of over $1/page and exactly what this mistake in planning and preparedness was going to set me back.

2. Call to verify the instructions & alternatives: I like to follow directions, and the directions said to "fax" the documents in. After the debacle and tears at FedEx I called to find out an email with the attachment would have been acceptable - of course it was.
3. Have ready at all times your mobile business tools and organize your documents in the cloud. Some real estate companies offer the cloud computing software and systems which make retrieving and accessing documents a breeze. Don't resist the movement --get to know these systems to make your life and business easier.
In this business, don't ever take lightly the popular notion that NO ONE will callyou or email you or need anything from you the day your are prepping to be unavailable....only once you are away from your desk do you become as essential as the air we breathe. Be prepared!
**Thank you Mr. FedEx Office man for refunding my money. I couldn't see your name tag through my tears to give you a proper "good-bye".