Yesterday I learned actress and activist Meryl Streep donated the salary she made for the movie The Iron Lady to charity. In the clip I watched, the interviewer asked her, "Why did you do that?" Meryl responded, "Sometimes you just have to stand up, you know."
Streep's philanthropic passions are varied; children's welfare, Haiti relief, and the passion to which she made her recent donation: encouraging the creation of The National Women's History Museum.*
One of my favorite songs of 2011 is "Stand Up" by Sugarland. It reminds me of the spirit in which Meryl gave. It makes me ask myself, and ask you, "won't you stand up and use your voice?" What program or cause lights your fire and forces you to think and feel in the spirit of giving and making a difference?
Giving = Participating. 2012 can be enriched by you, no matter how big or small your gift. Donating time is just as vital. Donating your blood can save another life. Will you stand up in a professional role at work? Will you stand up in a personal capacity? Giving of your talents, your ideas, or your dollars makes you stand head and shoulders above the crowd -- and your efforts will not go unnoticed!